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Best on Orion So Far


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In my first winter of Astro-Photography, I've wanted to at least get decent images of the 'big 3' - Pleiades, Andromeda and Orion. Sounds easy, but it's surprising how much clouds and the moon get in the way - this hobby would be a lot easier to learn if there weren't 4 weeks between each outing! Anyway, here finally is my best effort on Orion. It's only about an hour of total integration time, but ClearOutside was lying when it promised an entirely clear night - after a couple of hours the clouds moved in and by the time they cleared, Orion was sinking behind the neighbours house.  21 x 200s exposures at F6, ISO400, with darks, flats and bias. Stacked in DSS and edited in Photoshop. I've tried extracting the stars with Starnet++ part way through the edit, then re-introduced them at the end. I was quite pleased to start to get some of the darker brown dust showing up.

Unmodified Canon EOS80D, Altair Astro EDF72, HEQ5 Mount, QHY5LII GuideCam, Altair Astro 60mm Guide Scope, Pegasus Power Box, Bortle 5 skies.

Orion Nebula5.jpg

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