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Suggestion. Notifying Stolen Items?

Carbon Brush

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Peter Drew's recent post on stolen items has prompted me to think about this again.

Thankfully the amount of astronomy kit that gets stolen appears to be very low. However, with items often having a 3 or 4 figure price tag attached, it is a significant crime to the victims.
Also insurance is not everything.

Something for SGL member to think about. Maybe if there was a single place on SGL where stolen equipment could be recorded, it would help us identify anything dodgy that we might see on other sites.
I'm not saying SGL is immune from 'fences' marketing their wares. But we have a 99.9% honest community and active moderators so it is not as open to abuse as some other sites.

Further, if it was known that SGL maintains a record of stolen equipment, this might be useful to others looking at purchasing, or involved in recovery.

So here is an idea. Please discuss, suggest improvements or ridicule as thought fit.

Create a new sub forum from the for sale/swap. Named 'Stolen Items'.
The title of a post is a brief list/description of the stolen items. We don't need 'stolen' in the title.
An example might be SW200 newt. EQ5.

Note the person posting does not have to be the victim. We have seen for example Peter posting on behalf of an unnamed person.
Given that Peter is well known and respected in astro circles, this is fine.
Whether restrictions on who can post are imposed is open for discussion.

The person posting then gives further details within the post. Example again.
Sheffield Area. Overnight 5th/6th Feb.
Blue older type SW200 OTA with dent near focusser and perished focus rubbers.
EQ5 has modified latitude bolts. Stainless steel hex head.
Mount motorised with custom made battery holder.

If there are photos of the equipment, in particular the modifications or other unique characteristics, that would help.

Finally, please contact:
The SGL member posting via SGL. Or PC 99, Sheffield tel 0123456789. Crime number 9876543

There was (a month or two back) a 'stolen items found' thread.
Put this ort of entry in the same place?

Daft idea? Good idea? OK but flawed?



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No harm in trying it is there? If it helps one person recover gear it's not in vain. One problem is proving the ownership of said equipment - how many of us, years down the line, still have receipts and have documented serial numbers? Speaking of which, not all astro gear carries one, which seems to be becoming the norm on mass-produced stuff in general (not just astro).

Edited by wulfrun
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Thank you for your replies and 'likes'.
I think though when almost 65000 members produce only a handful of responses, I have to concede the idea is not going to fly.

Maybe there will be interest when (not if) there is a more publicised theft?
Maybe SGL members don't want to be part of a site that is associated with stolen goods'?
Maybe we all sit in the dark and think it won't happen to us?

Looking in the sale/wanted section, I have seen recently a few dodgy adverts and even gone to the trouble of reporting one to a moderator. Yes it got removed.
This evening I saw one sale item that looked dubious. It has been (politically correctly) commented on by others in the past couple of weeks.
A few years back I don't remember SGL suffering this.  The villains are aware of us now.

Clear Skies, David.

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