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TAL 150K vs GSO 200mm Classical Cass

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Looking to get a not so common Cassegrain, with the above mentioned both being possibilities. 

Going to be primarily used for visual but with occasional DSLR being attached to the back of it.

Planetary, clusters and bright DSO's will be main targets, as I live in Bortle 5 area, with the odd trip out to darker skies. 

8" is captures more light, but the TAL sounds like a good investment in optics.

Thoughts and opinions welcomed.

Cheers and clear skies,


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I'm not familiar with the Klevzov-Cassegrain design, but it looks like it has a biggish central obstruction. The  TAL looks more like a general purpose scope, capable of at least some widefield views, whereas the CC is more specialized towards high magnification. The CC will very likely beat the TAL on the Moon, planets  globulars and double stars.

There are some very good reviews of the GSO CC, to me it looks like the better choice.

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The TAL150K is f/10.3 and the CC is f/12 so not a big difference. The TAL focuser isn’t that good and is a 1.25” and tricky to replace as it needs a very short focuser not a standard crayford.

Having owned a TAL200K the optics were good but would say they are of a similar standard to the CC.

I now have both the 6” and 8” CCs and very happy with them. The 6” is used as a grab’n’go setup.

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