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Phd2 getting started on a rainy day

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Hi Folks, 

I'm hoping someone can bring me a little relief from the frustration!! 

So as the weather is not playing ball, I thought I'd delve into the dark art of guiding. 

I have an Heq5 pro goto mount and QHY5-II guide camera. 

I've installed Phd2 and the ascom drivers. 

I launched phd2 and created a new profile. As I am in doors and not able to see starts I selected simulator for the camera and EQMOD ASCOM Heq5 /6 for the mount. I selected a star and then press loop, I then hit the green target phd2 button and nothing. I have had a message that says RA calibration failed: star did not move enough. 

Prior to this I had marginal success but I only had the Dec (Red line) showing on the graph (no RA) the line was all over the show going off the scale. 

I've balanced the scope but no joy. 

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. I've tried watching multiple how to videos on You tube but alas, no joy. 

Thanks in advance for your help 


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11 minutes ago, smashing said:

I had that error message when my guide camera wasn't working via the st-4 cable...does the camera work on it's own...can eqmod control the mount ok?

Hi, Thanks for your reply. Yes, the camera works fine when polar aligning with Sharpcap and I can move the scope around from the eqmod pad.

2 hours ago, smashing said:

Stupid question but do you have EQMOD up and running when using PHD?

Hi, Yes, EQMOD is working 

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If you select the simulator camera, I'm guessing that when PHD2 starts, it's trying to run a calibration which won't work because the image itself doesn't change so eventually it gives up.  To test a NINA setup without a real guide camera, I started PHD2, went to Tools->Modify Calibration->Enter Calibration Data and on that dialog, just clicked OK.  Then at least the guiding part will continue in the simulated mode.

Hope that helps.

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