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Saturn, Jupiter, Ganymede and Europe on 20 December 2020.

inFINNity Deck

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If I checked out well in Stellarium, Saturn and Jupiter can be captured on one plate for three days this year with the combination of C11 with ZWO ASI174MM (below image was captured without Barlow, but with ADC). Tonight was the first chance, the two others oportunities will follow for the next two days. The weather was far from perfect: a lot of clouds, but fortunately also a few holes. Also the planets were at a quite low altitude: Saturn at 11° 13′, Jupiter at 11° 04′.

Instead of using my usual 4 x 120s script, I set FireCapture up to make 30 second SER movies on demand. Then in between clouds (between 4:05 PM to 4:15 PM UTC) various recordings were made in LRGB, constantly manually adjusting the exposure to adjust for the thin cloud cover. In this way, several videos were recorded per filter, the majority of which had to be stopped well before the 30-seconds limit. The remaining movies, usually with no more than a few thousand frames, were subsequently stacked and the best chosen for further processing.

In the end the RGB stacks were combined into a colour plate and the L-stack used as luminance. Finally in PSP the colours were corrected and the brightness increased. The whole image was constantly processed as a whole to maintain the difference in brightness between Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter also shows the moons Ganymede (left) and Europe. Io was in front of Jupiter at the time of the image, its shadow is just visible.




Edited by inFINNity Deck
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