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Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in North Cornwall 20-12-20


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I set the dslr up at around 4.45pm to try and image Jupiter and Saturn and at around 5pm they appeared between two banks of cloud for around 2 minutes. I had the 55mm lens on and couldn't separate them so had to go in to get my 70-300mm lens and took this image at 300mm, you can just make out two of Jupiters moons to the top left of it and one just on the right hand side of Jupiter. They are the same image one is just cropped in tighter. I have a series of 10 images (this is only one of them) but couldn't stack them in dss, pipp or as3, is there a way of manually stacking them? If I had longer imaging them I'd of liked to see what size lens would of got them as close without touching. 

To the naked eye you could only see one planet (star of Bethlehem) then they disappeared behind clouds and everything was dewing up. Don't think I'll get any moro at its closest because weather is looking horrible, rain, mist, mizzle and fog.  This image you can see Jupiter is nice and round and that Saturn is appearing as an oval so pretty pleased at this effort and glad to of got something. 



Edited by LeeHore7
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