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Connection issue with SW EQ3 Pro mount, Both Axes...no response!

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Yesterday, I tried to update the firmware for my V4 hand controller and the mount controller - these are two separate items on the  EQ3 mount.  Updates of both failed.  Initially, the synscan firmware loader and motor controller firmware loader both recognised the HC and the MC because I was able to get details of the current firmware.  I hope I have these in the right order.... Hand controller 04.37.03, Mount controller hardware 4.16, firmware 4.37, database 4.02.  I started with MC, clicked the 'update' button and got the message 'Update failed'.  Though maybe I should have started with the HC so did the same thing, got the same response.  Went back to try the MC and this time, the firmware loader did not recognise the mount but said they update was ready to run, so clicked update but again, it failed.  Decided to stick with the current firmware, disconnected HC from the computer, turned it on and after the Initialising message on the HC, got the dreaded message, 'Caution - Both Axes No Response'

I've googled this and found various posts on this site and Cloudy Nights, identifying various issues from failure of cables, low voltage, failure of components from capacitors to IC's and so have tried to work through identifying where the issue may be.  Have checked all the pins on all the cables with a meter and there does not appear to be anything wrong with the cables.  On hitting 'enter' on the HC, I get 'SynScan version 04.37.03' and I can keep entering through and setting lat/long, time etc but then get to the Set up screen, no option to slew the mount.  Took both units apart but could not seen any obvious signs of damage to components but here ends my electronics expertise, only know the words because I used to be married to an electronics engineer, (where is one when you need one!!).

To check out whether there is an issue with the HC, I've now downloaded Ascom Platform 6 and EQMod, followed the tutorial by Kayron Mercieca that one of the fellow SGL members recommended, and attempted to set things up.  Connected the MC to my laptop with a Lynx Astro USB EQ Direct cable, identified the Com Port (4 in my case) and worked through the turorial to clicking 'ASCOM Connect' in the EQASCOM toolbox.  At this point, the EQMod window opens and in the Mount Position window, I get 'Connect Error Timeout'.  According to Kayron, this could be due to insufficient voltage from the power supply.  Checked the mains output through the adaptor and got 11.9v, then went through the same with my Skywatcher Power Station, which has an output of 13.4v but still got the same 'Connect Error Timeout' message so it seems that insufficent power is not the issue.

I am thinking that the motor controller has failed in some way but before I shell out £100 for a new one, just want to check that I have not missed something.  I bought the rig second hand so no warranty, it was working when I first got it as I set everything up and used the hand controller to slew the mount so I am guessing that somehow, my attempt to update the firmware has caused some kind of issue.

Based on what I have worked through and the results I am getting, can anyone add anything, suggestions on what else I could try?  Appreciate any help.

thanks, Karen

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Finally i found someone having a simillar issue with an eq3 pro! 😀 im not crazy, after all!!

I bought mine in May last year and this PSU (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo-12v-5a-ac-to-dc-power-supply-adapter-for-cooled-cameras.html). I use my mount with this PSU plugged to the house main and until last week never had any issue. A few weeks ago i accquired a Stellarmate and configured everything and started practicing indoor with controling the mount and cameras remotely.

At the days went by, several problems appeared. Mount started making loud sound when slewing, cameras worked one time, didn´t work other and the mount also started to having "motor issues", not slewing and in the planetarium program it appeared as slewing. 

So, i disconnected the Stellarmate and went reverse to how i operated the mount before, with the handset. Guess what happened??... That´s right...nothing! now the mount doesn´t respond to the handset. i do all the procedure and when the mount goes for first star in the polar allingment, the mount doesn´t move, but the handset behaves like she´s moving.

A lot of hours trying to know what was wrong and causing all this and today, in a final resource before sending the handset and motor controller to FLO, i connected the mount with the cigar plug to my car and magic!! It worked normally as it always worked with the other PSU.

And before someone asks, when i used the handset with the PSU, ive checked more than once the power information and it was always around 11,3V and it still does. But today, when i used the cigar plug PSU, the mount says it´s around 13,2V. Now im trying to find a 12V 10amp power supply adapter to see if the mount will work with it or hope for FLO to send me a new one.

Either way, i´ve read some posts here and information on other forums and seems to me that there´s a lot of doubts on what specs sould be used for powering a EQ3 Pro.

My advice is for you to try powering the mount with the cigar plug adapter and see what happens.


Clear skyes!



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  • 2 weeks later...
15 hours ago, Karen Johnson said:

Hi, it turned out to be the mount controller.  Bought a new one and all is good, oh, apart from the fact that it’s either bitterly cold and cloudy so no chance to use it yet!

good you have it working, I'd not try a firmware upgrade on it tho unless there is a compelling reason to do it, seems a path to having problems from the past posts on the subject... happy to be corrected on this, just going on what I've read here. I've never updated my EQ5 goto as not felt the need and the cost of potential failure during update is a bit steep to take the risk IMHO 🙂 

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Updating firmware on any device is dependent on what that device is used for.  For example a graphic card or computer BIOS may be more critical than a SW mount as there may be security issue.  Normally the SW firmware is updated to cater for a new device that wasn't around at the time the original firmware was produced, such as the wifi adaptor.  Basically if the mount is working and you have no plans to use wifi dongles or such then there is no real need to update the firmware.  If on the othrehand the mount isn't performing (possibly due to a bug in the code) then updating the firmware would be the first thing to try to resolve that issue.  Most revisions of firmware list what has been fixed or added so you can see if updating firmware will resolve any issue you have.

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