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Anyone had luck with a reducer on a Dobsonian Reflector?

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I have a Skywatcher 250P (f4.7  1200mmx254mm) and use a ZWO ASI 178MC.  Therefore, I have the FOV of your basic soda straw. This makes everything other than a few solar system planets a tedious mosaic exercise. 

A reducer seems a better answer than getting another scope, but have been given to understand they come with their own problems.  I don't want to spend hours with spacers and rings trying to achieve a focus that isn't going to happen.

Any recommendations?

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I would say bigger camera as well, however, I did use GSO 1.25" x0.5 reducer with Skywatcher 200p and small sensor to a good effect:


That is going to be cheap option to try out, but on sensor as big as ASI178 (above is equivalent of ASI120 in terms of sensor size), you'll probably going to have coma in the corners as this reducer does not correct for it.

Probably best way to mount the camera would be - reducer on 1.25" nose piece but use 2" on your focuser to mount the camera. That way reducer and 1.25" will be sunken into focuser tube and you might be able to reach focus.

I was able to reach focus because my camera was "slim body" 1.25 - like modern guide cams and I was able to push it down in 1.25" opening - again sinking it down the focuser tube.

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