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Guidescope attachment

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Pretty sure this is a stupid question but I have to be asked as I can't figure this out myself 🤔

I have a SW Evostar 72ED and a Guidestar 50ED that will be the guidescope. I don't want to attach the 50ED using the finderscope shoe as I foresee a scenario involving gravity, the floor and some expensive gear, so I want to mount directly onto the top of 72ED.

However, I can't see how this should be done, so I'm looking for tips. The ED has a dovetail - do I need to replace with a different plate? 

Thanks in advance kind people of greater brain power than my own 😉

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I had the same guide scope at one point and found that the adjustable rings it came with were awful in terms of flexure. I made an alloy plate with two stainless steel exhaust clamps and fastened the plate to the top dovetail - the guide scope was protected by slipping silicone tubing over the U bolts - zero flexure!!  Not adjustable but the guide scope doesn't have to point exactly where the imaging scope is pointing.


unnamed (1).jpg

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