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Canon 350d and NINA


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Nice to know astrophotography is still as frustrating as it was when I first started ten years ago but I was looking at software possiblitys astroberry stellarmate and then came across NINA and down loaded it to have gander. Very nice indeed but.. has any been able to connect a cannon 350d to it? Im getting another cannon to mod later on but it would be nice to be able to use the old 350d on this software but so far everthing hates it. Any one had any joy please inlighten me cheers...


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1 hour ago, Quatermass said:

Nice to know astrophotography is still as frustrating as it was when I first started ten years ago but I was looking at software possiblitys astroberry stellarmate and then came across NINA and down loaded it to have gander. Very nice indeed but.. has any been able to connect a cannon 350d to it? Im getting another cannon to mod later on but it would be nice to be able to use the old 350d on this software but so far everthing hates it. Any one had any joy please inlighten me cheers...


As you know, I'm also coming back to AP after a long break & cant believe how many new pieces of software are now available. After using BYEOS last time around, I'm also going to be using N.I.N.A as it just seems to have everything all in one place. I've decided to finally buy a dedicated camera (ZWO ASI 533Mc Pro) as although its going to be hard at the start trying to learn how to use it on top of everything else I've to learn and also to re-learn, I've realised the benefits will be massive in the long run.
As for the 350D, I've noticed that its not supported with quite a few things now. There's no list in NINA stating which are/ are not compatible as they say this changes all the time due to the program constantly developing, but I cant see them adding the 350D due to the age of it (I could be wrong) I'd seriously think about getting a newer model as they can be picked up very cheaply nowadays & it'll make your life so much easier than trying to muddle through with the 350D.


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Hi Steve yes the poor old 350d has been well and truly forgotten by cannon I have had several replies from them about updating the drivers but they just give a standard reply saying there not going to in so many words. I've got my eye on a 1200d which I intend to modify along with the synscan upgrade kit for my Eq5 mount so NINA should fit nicely into that set up along with a guide camera later on. It's interesting getting back into it all again though and seeing how much new software has been developed. Be interested to see how you get on with your set up as I'm doing the same having learned a great deal from doing it all the first time 😊

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4 hours ago, michael8554 said:

The 300D, 350D, and 400D don't have Shutter Control via the USB cable, you have to obtain a USB-to-Serial Shutter Cable if you want to use BYEOS, APT etc.


Hi Michael I used to run my old 350d very well on xp 32bit with that cable but it wont run on a 64bit system as there are no drivers for it Im not a pc geek or programmer and have managed to get a thirdparty driver working that allows me to use it on my 64bit system at a very basic level https://www.aemfoto.it/wp/2017/01/07/canon-5d-and-350drebel-xt-driverlibrary-for-windows-788-110-64bit/ but it is hopeless trying to get it to connect to backyard eos and astrophotography tool as I run those both on a 64bit system. So for now I am just using it on the UB utility to obtain focus and see my images. I was hoping that I could get it working on NINA or Stellermate or Astroberry but have yet to find someone who is doing this.

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6 hours ago, Quatermass said:

Hi Steve yes the poor old 350d has been well and truly forgotten by cannon I have had several replies from them about updating the drivers but they just give a standard reply saying there not going to in so many words. I've got my eye on a 1200d which I intend to modify along with the synscan upgrade kit for my Eq5 mount so NINA should fit nicely into that set up along with a guide camera later on. It's interesting getting back into it all again though and seeing how much new software has been developed. Be interested to see how you get on with your set up as I'm doing the same having learned a great deal from doing it all the first time 😊

The 1200D should be a lot easier to work with, its a shame about the 350D as you had some cracking images from it last time around.
I've just bought my guiding setup (I've never guided before so thats another thing to learn) i'll be using the Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED & ZWO ASI 120mm-S which was fairly expensive but the quality is amazing.
I've finally got a proper GOTO mount as well this time around, the Explore Scientific EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GOTO Mount plus a dedicated laptop for AP, theLIFePO4 power tank for portable power & a few other bits & pieces. The main imaging scope & camera are next on the list so I should hopefully be up & running by around January. While I wait for those i'll be able to do some widefield, lunar & planetary (with a 3x Barlow) imaging using the guiding kit which will also help with learning how everything works (theres a hell of a lot to learn).

My problem last time was I was to quick to rush at everything which is why I made mistakes. This time around i'm taking my time, even if it takes another 6 months before I get a half decent image I think it will be worth it. I hope it all goes well for you 🙂 I think the guidescope is a little bit dwarfed by the mount in the photo but at least it'll be nice & stable for lunar imaging 😂 Ive also moved house in the last couple of weeks to a place that has absolutely no light pollution & wide open, unobstructed views N/ NW at the back with a good patio to set up on, we had a clear night 2 nights ago (typical 🙄) & i've never seen the Milky Way so clearly🙂IMG_20201106_113005_8-01.thumb.jpeg.9ee8a158363d95136965ff89cc8dab61.jpegIMG_20201106_112646_1-01.thumb.jpeg.61c78cd9976bd0ab160bbfb0099bfa65.jpegIMG_20201110_142857_6-01.thumb.jpeg.7a8d57f1281d8b4182874314e7c84867.jpeg16050383252313215407624755206386.thumb.jpg.125c03cc39e42d8bae0296eaf7d87ca1.jpg

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I took my first steps into imaging earlier this year using my 1200D. It teams up nicely with APT. I have now got a dedicated astro camera but still plan on using the 1200D. The only downside, if I had to give one, is that model has no mirror lock so when I'm out in the garden in the early hours I'm concious of the mirror clatter on each exposure start/end. 

If it wasn't also used for everyday photography I'd have removed the mirror or jammed it up. 

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46 minutes ago, nephilim said:

The 1200D should be a lot easier to work with, its a shame about the 350D as you had some cracking images from it last time around.
I've just bought my guiding setup (I've never guided before so thats another thing to learn) i'll be using the Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED & ZWO ASI 120mm-S which was fairly expensive but the quality is amazing.
I've finally got a proper GOTO mount as well this time around, the Explore Scientific EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GOTO Mount plus a dedicated laptop for AP, theLIFePO4 power tank for portable power & a few other bits & pieces. The main imaging scope & camera are next on the list so I should hopefully be up & running by around January. While I wait for those i'll be able to do some widefield, lunar & planetary (with a 3x Barlow) imaging using the guiding kit which will also help with learning how everything works (theres a hell of a lot to learn).

My problem last time was I was to quick to rush at everything which is why I made mistakes. This time around i'm taking my time, even if it takes another 6 months before I get a half decent image I think it will be worth it. I hope it all goes well for you 🙂 I think the guidescope is a little bit dwarfed by the mount in the photo but at least it'll be nice & stable for lunar imaging 😂 Ive also moved house in the last couple of weeks to a place that has absolutely no light pollution & wide open, unobstructed views N/ NW at the back with a good patio to set up on, we had a clear night 2 nights ago (typical 🙄) & i've never seen the Milky Way so clearly🙂

Lovely place to get back into astrophotography and your kit looks spot on, seems we are following the same path way I moved house last month and for the first time in 4 years have a really lovely dark sky area which was my main reason for taking it up again. We both learned a great deal from the first time round and Im sure that will really help as we move on. One of the biggest learning curves for me was processing the data I collected and making sure I had good data to work with. As well as that the need to have a more perminent set up which made life a lot simpler. I look forward to seeing your progress Steve and hope its just as enjoyable as it was when you first began, such a great pastime imaging the night sky. The canon 350d is still a great camera dispite its lack of support now from cannon I will continue to use it as well as the 1200d when i get it. I have often thought of upgrading to a cooled camera with a filter set but too be honest I think I would be happy with my dslr and an Ha filter. here are a few shots from the last week or so taken with the old 350d.







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29 minutes ago, Quatermass said:

Lovely place to get back into astrophotography and your kit looks spot on, seems we are following the same path way I moved house last month and for the first time in 4 years have a really lovely dark sky area which was my main reason for taking it up again. We both learned a great deal from the first time round and Im sure that will really help as we move on. One of the biggest learning curves for me was processing the data I collected and making sure I had good data to work with. As well as that the need to have a more perminent set up which made life a lot simpler. I look forward to seeing your progress Steve and hope its just as enjoyable as it was when you first began, such a great pastime imaging the night sky. The canon 350d is still a great camera dispite its lack of support now from cannon I will continue to use it as well as the 1200d when i get it. I have often thought of upgrading to a cooled camera with a filter set but too be honest I think I would be happy with my dslr and an Ha filter. here are a few shots from the last week or so taken with the old 350d.






IMG_0005.CR2 6.94 MB · 1 download

Wow, I see you haven't lost your touch & it shows that the 350D is still a very good camera. those are some cracking landscape shots. I love diffraction spikes on stars & was torn between buying a reflector or refractor, in the end ive decided on a refractor mainly due to the size/ weight. As for my camera choice, im not going for filters as I dont have the time to be collecting data from several channels plus theres the added expense & yet more to learn. I'm looking at the ZWO ASI 533MC-Pro OSC, it has zero amp glow & I like the idea of a cooled camera to keep noise down, plus its a perfect match to the frac i'm looking at getting pixel wise. It's going to be a month or so until I have the money & I might change my mind back to a DSLR by then, I seem to be constantly chopping & changing my mind. I wasnt going to start guiding for a while to keep costs down but after reading about how much longer your exposures can be I just thought 'in for a penny in for £1000'😂
I'm glad you also have nice dark skies as it'll make a massive difference, especially when it comes to processing. I know very little on that side of things so i've bought Steve Richards latest book 'Dark Art or Magic Bullet' & at first glance it looks a very good guide.

I'm very much looking forward to it all this time around having learned a lot from last time (although i've probably also forgotten a lot), it'll be good seeing how we both progress. For once im actually looking forward to the Moon making an appearance so I can finally get my first shot .

Btw, I ended up getting rid of my salt water aquarium due to time constraints & a relationship breakup, there wern't many places for rent that would accommodate a 7ft fish tank 😂 (the break up was very amicable & we're still good friends plus been single affords me far more time to dedicate to AP😃) I ended up giving my fish away to a public aquarium that I know very well, I let them take them for nothing as I preferred knowing they were going somewhere that knew how to look after them rather than sell them to a random buyer not knowing their setup/ knowledge etc.

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Cheers Steve moved house and sold my fish tank as well I have been married 3 times but this time round I think I got it right, life moves on just like the universe I guess and you have to make the most of it. Its been a very hard year for everyone but so far we have managed to stay safe. Although my nephew has tested positive for Covid and is now into his 4th day dealing with it but I think his going to be ok.

Well I hope you really enjoy your astrophotography this time round I know I am certainly enjoying it and lookng forward to racking my brains over new software and such things. If you want some help on the processing just let me know I have got quite a few tricks up my sleeve with that after years of doing it still learning new methods. On the fish tank side of things I had a massive salt water tank and sold it to a nice chap several years ago he had it for a week then his son through a toy at it and it shattered all over his living room forunatly he had taken my advice and set up a bin full of salt water just in case. No more fish for me for a while happy to go fishing for nebula and galaxys for now lol.

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Its been a pretty crap year I agree. I've been on furlough since March spent over 6 months with the real possibility of redundancy looming, thankfully 3 weeks ago I was informed my job was secure although we still dont know when we'll be back.
A positive thats come out of all this though is it gave me a lot of time to think & thats what got me back into seriously starting up with AP again & so far i'm really pleased that I did as i've loads of time for research etc.

Thanks for the offer of help with the processing part, i'm sure i'll be firing some questions at you at a later date 😁

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