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Hi All,

This is my first go with guiding,Started out with PhD but I got the feeling it was not too happy with the webcam as it was constantly saying' star not moving Etc' and crashing so I switch over to Guidedog and that for my set up seemed far more stable.

This is 10x600 in Ha with a QHY6 and a WO megrez 72 mount HEQ5 giuded with my little SPC900 and a Olympus 50m lens piggy backed.

Flats and darks applied in DSS curves and levels in PS 5.5


(click to enlarge)

Thanks for looking


I forgot to mention of the 10subs I only used 5 as the others had some tracking issues :)

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That's a nice pacman Pete. Shame about the lost subs since that would have smoothed things out nicely. Guiding is one of those things which is a doddle when it works, you think you've got it cracked, and then it goes belly up again. Definitely looks like good progress though if you are managing 10 mins

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Nice image Pete,

Its likely your problem was cause by the short focal lenght of the "guidescope" taht you were using -unless it really was a 50m :)

There are a few settings to tweak in PHD... the problem was that during the calibration process PHD wasn't seeing the star moving when it was moving the mount...

Now if only i could remeber which settigns to change....


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Thanks for all the feedback folks!!

I found another thread with the same issue and have made the adjustment in PhD

Yep its a 50m lens Billy I did try a telephoto 135m but I couldn't get it to focus so stuck with the 50m

(what is the FL of that lens?)

Thanks again


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