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Powered pier column


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Would anyone be interested in a powered pier column for home observatories?

The columns are from medical (ophthalmology) device tables.  They are fully working but after customer upgrades the old tables are normally scrapped but I persuaded the supply manager at my company and one of the drivers to rescue some and drop them off at my house (for some beer money) I've just got hold of a couple and should be able to get more on an adhoc basis, but not sure if people are even interested?

Each column comes with a switch and a power cable.  Max weight limit 1400N/142KG

This is UK only.  They will need to collected, or I might be able to drop off as I travel a lot with my work.  
I'm not trying to make any money out of this but I did promise the supply manager and driver a crate of beer so if anyone is interested we can possibly sort something out



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Hi there,

I saw your FB post. This could be an interesting project, especially for those of us who have high hedges surrounding our astro-bases.

A few questions if I may .

Can the column be powered at either end ??

What type of material is the outer cladding made from ?   Are the ends made of the same material.....?? 

Do you think it could withstand the turning forces that a base plate would exert on it ( with, lets say a medium sized scope...8"SCT  for example).





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21 minutes ago, Craney said:

Hi there,

I saw your FB post. This could be an interesting project, especially for those of us who have high hedges surrounding our astro-bases.

A few questions if I may .

Can the column be powered at either end ??

What type of material is the outer cladding made from ?   Are the ends made of the same material.....?? 

Do you think it could withstand the turning forces that a base plate would exert on it ( with, lets say a medium sized scope...8"SCT  for example).





Hi Sean,

I'm pretty sure the outlet at the top of the column is an output not a power in.

i'm guessing the outer skin is aluminium but not 100% sure.  I'll see if I can get a technical spec from someone at work.

I couldn't definitively state what turning forces it can take, but we use them as medical device tables, so there is a table top attached and a device in the range of 35-55Kg on top.  The table also has to bear the weight of a person leaning against the device.  The table is on 4 castor wheels often on carpet being moved and dragged about so I'm sure they can take reasonable forces and are rated to 140Kg.

the top and bottom look like this with four bolts attaching to the base or top



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