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Thoughts.. f7 fpl 53 or f11fpl 51

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Hi all, i was just about to punch the button on a F7 fpl53, when I started to think, I'll have to rework some other elements of my kit.. I'm used to the focal length of an f11 achro, and most if my kit has been put together using that, my high powered seeing condition usually allow for the use of a 7mm lv giving me 160x.. that would be my 9mm SLV and 2x as extender for 4.5ish.. then I thought what would that do to exit pupil etc..

Anyway, that then got me think why have I messed around with something I was just really starting to enjoy, better, less achromatic views...

So surely the perfect answer is one of the f11ed's.. 

What's people's thoughts, on the this.. the f11ed is a really safe option.. the f7, better glass but a different instrument

If my rig is tailored more to one, is it not better to stick with similar.. 




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For visual astronomy, a good FPL-53 based doublet 102mm aperture refractor of around F/7 is a very versatile scope and relatively easy to mount and cart around. My Vixen ED102SS is mine (F/6.5 actually) and can range from a 4 degree true field for really large DSO's to a sharp 200x - 250x on the moon, planets and double stars. An AZ-4 mount will hold it well.

Not sure that an F/11 (of whatever glass type) would be able to do all that :icon_scratch:



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