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DIY Bahtinov Mask


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In the UK you can tell that Christmas is coming when the supermarket aisles are blocked by pallet-loads of Quality Street, Cadbury's Roses & other confections.


Inspired by this thread, I decided to make a Bahtinov mask for my Helios (Skywatcher) 200p F5 ; 

The Roses lid is almost the same size as the 200p dustcap.



I downloaded a template from here;   http://www.deepskywatch.com/Articles/make-bahtinov-mask.html

The 8" template prints on  2 sheets of paper ,which is a nuisance, so I used the 6" and enlarged it to just fill 1 sheet of A4.

I stuck the print to the lid of the Roses tub with a few bits of double-sided tape and used a bradawl to pierce the lid at each corner of each slot, then removed the paper and cut out the slots with a craft knife. A couple of coats of grey primer and one of matt black and here is the mask.


It works a treat , (with or without the paint ) on the 200p and on my 6" Newt as well. If you prefer Celebrations to Roses  I think that lid is a bit bigger so you might not need the rubber bands.


Now that I've ruined the lid, we will just have to scoff all the chocolates double-quick. Yum Yum!  😀

Edited by lenscap
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Nicely recycled.  We hate most single-use plastics :)

The "Celebrations" lids certainly seem to have a bigger lip -- I have a few of these that I've recycled for storing parts for projects and so on.


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