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Dark Art or Magic Bullet


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Has anyone read the above book by Steve Richards?

I'm 'yet again' going to take the 'dive' into AP after many disappointments over the years with inappropriate gear. Ive finally made the first correct purchase, Friday saw delivery of the Explore Scientific EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GOTO Mount which from first looks seems a really solid piece of well engineered kit. Ive now realised if i'm to have a real chance of successfully imaging DSO's I need to buy the right gear so the mount is the start. It'll take me until around January before i've everything I need to start actually taking an image but I believe it will be well worth the wait as it also gives me a great deal of time for proper research into what i'll need.

Back to Steve's book, I had a copy of Making Every Photon Count & found it a great, well explained guide (I unfortunately sold it a few years ago when I last gave up so that will be bought again hope fully with this one) & as soon as I saw he'd written a processing guide I knew that it would be the perfect guide for me.
My main concern is i've seen a review that mentions its directed more towards MaximDL but in the synopsis states it mainly covers Photoshop. I'm much more familiar with Photoshop than Maxim & think i've a steep enough learning curve ahead of me without having to learn new processing software so will be sticking with Photoshop. Does anyone know if it is mainly towards Maxim/ Photoshop or a bit of both (Which I dont mind)  Heres a quick photo of the ES mount. When I was researching the mount I found very actual real user info but then luckily came across a great unboxing video on YouTube with the promise of more videos to come, I sent a message to the video poster & found out he's a member of SGL (Lockie). He's a fair bit ahead of my with owning it timewise & a lot more experienced in AP than me, so thats going to make a massive difference when it comes to any issues I may have as he will probably have already come across them & found a solution. I'll be letting the forum know my own personal thoughts on the mount etc a little further along.
Regards   Steve


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I have the book and on page 9, the Foreword, Steve says ' The vast majority of the content of this book centres on two programs, Adobe Photoshop and to a much lesser extent, Maxim DL.'


Hope this helps


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