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getting started

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Looking at getting started as I fined my self getting more and more intrested. Looking at buying my 1st teliscope and I don't know what to go for dont want somthing to basic so I can't see anything. My dad has offered me his that he bought years ago and done nothing with but the thing is massive and bulky I'm sure it would be grate if I lived in the country but I don't so I want somthing more mobile what should I get? Or should I just take my dads one and lump this thing around?

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Hi Cammy. I'd suggest trying your dads first if it's at all possible: better to try with a telescope you have access to first and really be sure this is something you want to spend money on. What kind of telescope does your dad have?

Do you have access to a garden/yard/balcony at your home that you can use: if you have to drive somewhere to observe you won't progress as quickly as if you can step outside the door and get going straight away even if light pollution is bad. Being able to react quickly to clear skies is the key when you are learning (in my experience). That way you sustain the enthusiasm. You will be amazed at views of moon and planets even from city and many deep sky objects can be seen through a telescope in light polluted areas although finding them can be hard.

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Hi Cammy and welcome to the forum.

First up what are you hoping to see and your situation in terms of location and sky you can see?

It's a bit of a catch-22 re your dad's scope. Upside it is free, downside you already seem put off by the size - what is it by the way?

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Looks similar to the one bellow the only thing that stops me taking it is the size as its big and looks complicated with the electrics thats on it. I can use my garden on a good night but worred I might be off put by its size of moving it outside. I have used binoculers to look at the moon but to see more. Just dont want to spend lots of money and get bored but also don't want a teliscope that I have no idea haw to use and get off put buy it. Witch is the problem with my dads one but I my be over thinking it.


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Welcome aboard Cammy.

The electric stuff is there to help you find things in the sky to look at, and also keep them in the eyepiece as the Earth's turning whips them out of view. It's does take a bit of understanding and getting used to though.

We can't do anything about the size, but if you wanted to give your dad's scope a try, we can always talk you through any questions you may have about it.  On the other hand, the best telescope is one that's used regularly, so if lugging it outside would prove too much of a disincentive to using it, you will indeed be better with something simpler and more portable. Perhaps the bigger scope will be more attractive if you find you enjoy the hobby.

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It is definitely worth trying your dad's telescope, even if it is just to confirm what it is that you don't want in your telescope. Even if everything is "wrong" with your dad's telescope, say you don't like the eq mount, setting up the goto, the weight or diffraction spikes on stars, at least you know and we can find you a telescope without those things. 


Edit. I see I'm a bit late. Have fun with your dad's scope :)

Edited by Ricochet
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Another advantage of trying your Dads scope is;

If it's already got a Go-To mount (the electronics), but you find the scope is too big, then you've got a decent mount and only need to buy a scope which suits your needs better. ;)

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