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NGC 7640 - Andromeda

Mike JW

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The question to be asked is why do we not visit this superb barred galaxy more often in Andromeda? Answer because it has a well known neighbours - M31 or M33 not far away in the sky.

There are some excellent Hubble images out there but I struggled to find any research papers.

Distance estimates have varied but I think it has now settled to approx 29 million lyrs away with a diameter of about 59,000 lyrs, mag 11.6, type =SBc. It is inclined to us at about 70 degrees which makes it difficult to see the bar/arms but the more I look at it then the bar and two arms become evident. Probably merged with another galaxy in the past.

http://bf-astro.com/ngc7640/ngc7640.htm - shows a superb photo of the fact that this galaxy lies behind a thin veil of nebulosity.


PS This was just one of several cracking observations made in a 2 hour session.



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What an excellent find! Not one I've seen before. I like the way the dust lane (appears to) carves up the central bulge, making it look like two long thin galaxies in contact. 

I am finding that for me there is definite a galaxy aesthetic, often to do with angle of course but also (in this case) the fact that it is just 'hanging there' in amongst a relatively dense star field. That's why I like the WBL groups as they often appear in such location (there is also at least one catalogue of galaxies behind the Milky Way that can be challenging to spot).

One of them many great things about EEVA is that makes a more comprehensive search of the NGC and other catalogues feasible within a reasonably time frame.


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