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Controlling Screen items via MIDI


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Hello there peeps!

Got an itch that needs scratching and thought I'd better throw the question here, perhaps someone has tackled something similar before already?


Some Context:

I own a Losmandy mount, quite oftenly I will place it to use, with a very good Polar Align but won't necessarily bother with a star align (to my knowledge this then disables the use of the rather archaic remote pad, which only becomes available once the mount 'knows' where it is). But would still love to have access to a remote as I'm allowed to have directly on the Gemini software on the PC without the obligation of being 'tied' to the computer.

Coming from a live music background the notion of programmable MIDI Pads seemed like a very well tried and tested way of at least controlling this.


What I'd like to achieve:

I was thinking of creating a per say 'mapping surface' that you can then pin or place over the softwares window you want controlling and assign commands relative to the screen position (pxl position) of each executable request. For example up/down/right/left or varying slewing speeds as well. 

My thinking behind this approach would mostly be based on, if it aint broke dont fix it, in as much as I would like to interact with something that already works well and have little or no intent of changing, only looking to interact on the PC Desktop side of things by then applying a very simple midi map to respond to the requested commands.


How I was thinking this could work:

Thought it could be simple enough to create a window on to which one can then add different sizeable shapes (circles, squares, triangles) to be placed within the created window that overlays onto the original command response sections of the software we want controlling. Pretty much mimicking what the mouse does when we tell it to press somethere. Just enabling MIDI notes to be the remote desktop engagers instead of the mouse.


As much as I've been tinkering with astronomy for a few years now, every day is a school day and I'm very keen to hear what ideas thoughts other people have had to tackle similar issues..... somehow I find it strange to think i'm the first geek looking at these options to control rather archaic systems in a modern way.


Things I have considered partially but am relatively unfamiliar with...... ASCOM, could I achieve an easier point of access to this control I'm looking to achieve, through directly engaging with ASCOM?


All thoughts and help greatly appreciated 




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Teaching to the converted, but for those that don't know, MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface and so won't work for Astro gear...  

If you want to control Astro gear on Windows, then the Ascom system provides the 'glue' that puts it all together, with Ascom interfaces for caneras\mounts\focusers etc....  then usually being controlled by an 'Master' programme e.g. Sequence Generator Pro, SharpCap, APT, BackyardEOS.....

If you have any RaspberryPi's then you can go down the INDI route\Kstars etc route...


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I am just in the process of implementing a "Teensy" (+Arduino) DIY hardware controller
for a (specific) VST via MIDI. I do control my HEQ5 (observatory) mount via ASCOM and
EQMOD etc. over a 30m cable. The intial issue was reliable USB1.n comms over Cat5/6. 🥳

But I am the first to admit I only scanned the thread! I HAVE wondered about using the
MIDI protocol for "something" (lol). It is reliable... standardised... has "repeaters" etc. etc.
If this post contributes nothing but "white noise"(?), I wish (all/any) involved in it well! 😎

Edited by Macavity
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Hey Macavity,

Well at least I see your post as intentionally constructive!!! 

I admit to have only started this line of enquiry to see what people here thought....


I dont see MIDI as a protocol that ONLY deals with music instruments.... in this day and age that assumption would simply be daft!!

Ask Video Jockeys, Disc Jockeys, 3D Visual Artists and large concert touring to not work with MIDI as a way of ONLY triggering things with absolutely no link to musicality whatsoever.... Perhaps this resurgence of the protocol and its modern use by many industries, still evades some older users that are tied to the original protocol concept?


My core questions remain though:

Anyone here can suggest any good pages to get introduced into the whole developer side of ASCOM? But to be fair I actually was looking to develop something entirely as a 'stand alone' that doesn't NEED to engage with any other protocols other than windows?

My main objective would still be to make something that simply interacts with a given space of the desktop screen, MIDI was thought simply as a reliable protocol that is already used in such a way through many aspects of the live performance industries but with no link to tone or musicality... ie: no link to its original intended use other than to create a physical 'relay' or 'switch'

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