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Hello all. I’m on my first scope and I love it. This isn’t a major problem but it does get on my nerves a bit. The finderscope is slightly off, no matter how much I adjust it. I actually bought a new one and it’s the same. Not a huge problem but I’m heading for some very dark skies this week and would rather not waste time trying to find things. It’s a celestron omni xlt 127. Any help would be appreciated. 
move apready loosened the bracket that the finderscope sits into and I’ve tightened it in as much as I can. If I could turn it another bit I’d say it would be centred but I can’t turn it any more

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Maybe you can make a spacer to put under your finder scope to help tighten a bit.

For future reference

I had a red dot finder on my NexStar 8se which I ditched for a Terad finder, but this might be to big for your scope.

So maybe consider a Rigel Quick Finder found here:


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A lot of people will suggest Telead or the rigel quick finder, both are really really large and ugly (in my opinion).

I have used the below, which I find excellent. Everything is spot on and very easy to find. I’ve had no issues with it at all - so can recommend.


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My friend's Meade 114-900 is about 20 years old. The dinky little finderscope on it was terrible to align and was always somewhat squint! 🤬

We replaced it with a red dot finder and it works okay now. The red dot finder had a bit more latitude when it came to adjustment, but it still needed to go as far to one side as it could! 😱


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