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What’s possible with a full moon!


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Hi Star People! 

last night I was adding ha an sii to my ongoing Cygnus loop project but when it disappeared behind my roof at about 1.30am I saw Auriga rising and thought, Mmmm, now I have a wider fov with the Samyang 135, I’d love to have a go at the spaghetti Nebula! 
I know it’s a feint object that’s low on the horizon and didn’t really expect much. I couldn’t really  see it in the individual subs but I knew I was in the right place so I set up for 90min of 5 min subs. 

I was surprised to see what is possible thanks to APP!
There was a lot of gradient due to the moon!

(I’ve stretched and sharpened this a lot with PS but I’m happy with the results considering the conditions!



Here is an individual sub


I’m looking forward to getting my teeth into this properly when it’s high enough and the moon isn’t around 😊

Thanks for looking 


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Hi Bryan,

Well done - that look's a great image.

I'm still learning but I use one shot colour (modded DSLR user) in conjunction with APT and light pollution filters.

I love to have a go at nebulas whatever the moon phase as my set-up doesn't seem to mind.

This is what I got last night in Cygnus:

Managed to get 3hrs of guided data using Evostar ED80 on HEQ5 Pro Mount. Stacked in DSS. Processed in Photoshop CS2.

The Western Veil is one of my favourites and this is a much better attempt than my last one (which was way too noisy and too red saturated).


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24 minutes ago, Gerr said:

Hi Bryan,

Well done - that look's a great image.

I'm still learning but I use one shot colour (modded DSLR user) in conjunction with APT and light pollution filters.

I love to have a go at nebulas whatever the moon phase as my set-up doesn't seem to mind.

This is what I got last night in Cygnus:

Managed to get 3hrs of guided data using Evostar ED80 on HEQ5 Pro Mount. Stacked in DSS. Processed in Photoshop CS2.

The Western Veil is one of my favourites and this is a much better attempt than my last one (which was way too noisy and too red saturated).


Nice result! 
it’s one of my favourite DSO’s too! 

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Thats pretty awesome for the moon out.  I was testing some kit last night, and did a few exposures in luminance, and TBH I was surprised at it.  Significantly more noisy, but still felt very satisfying.  I did spend 10 minutes trying to get a guide star, initially thinking that the dome wasnt correctly positioned, then thinking the moon must be having an effect.  It was only after I took a few unguided exposures did it dawn on me that I hadnt taken the cover off the guide scope 

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48 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

Thats pretty awesome for the moon out.  I was testing some kit last night, and did a few exposures in luminance, and TBH I was surprised at it.  Significantly more noisy, but still felt very satisfying.  I did spend 10 minutes trying to get a guide star, initially thinking that the dome wasnt correctly positioned, then thinking the moon must be having an effect.  It was only after I took a few unguided exposures did it dawn on me that I hadnt taken the cover off the guide scope 

Easily done! 
that’s one of the reasons I normally use an oag! 😊

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