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Another practice with the Lunar set up

Dave Moulton

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Thats very nice Marvo!


- how many frames taken/stacked?

- which software used to stack?

- which software processed in?

Wouldn't mind getting a go on the video file :hello2:

Sorry about that.

Frames Stacked 240 ish out of 640

Stacking Registax 4. I Started with a single alignment pass and rejected 350 frames then re processed the resulting Avi file with multi alignment boxes used about 18

Sharpening in Registax

Contrast Mask added in Photoshop

Thats about it.

Daz I would be happy to let you loose on this one but have no idea how I could send an Avi so big



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Had a little play if you don't mind Marvo - if you do, say so and I'll take it down.

Ran it thru Noise Ninja in PS, and then a high pass filter with a multiply blend

Not a problem Daz, that's why I posted it otherwise how am I going to improve. I think the contrast is better in your version and that bit sharper as well.


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That is a very good crater image , Pythagoras I think at the top, your luminera seems to give lovely smooth images.

I think you need to stack more frames to get more detail out of it but great detail in the background crater starting to show.


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