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Telescope eye candy (10” Bresser dob meets the MoonLite CR1)…


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I spent a happy afternoon (today) working on a fellow astronomer’s Bresser 10” dob. While the stock focuser is quite good, this particular one had developed a number of issues which included creaking in the cold (last winter) and a very rough movement, even after being re-greased and adjusted. In short, a decision was made to say ‘farewell’ and welcome a new bit of eye candy - a MoonLite CR1 classic focuser in red.  For those who might be interested in changing the focuser on their Bresser dob, I’ll try to share the journey below. It was fairly straightforward, but did take me a little longer than originally planned!

A speedy delivery of the focuser from FLO and mounting plate from 365 Astronomy.

It’s a really well engineered focuser which feels very substantial and has a lovely smooth movement.


The top part of the old focuser tube was unscrewed...

...followed by removing the focuser gear to access the lower screws.

Then began the game of trying to choose/match the most appropriate threaded holes on the rear of the adapter plate to both correctly seat it as well as align the focuser tube correctly. It was almost a frustrating as monopoly!

After a fair but of trial and error, these are the ones required for the Bresser dob’s pre-drilled holes. However...

In spite of Moonlite’s best efforts to offer lots of options on the mounting plate, the Bresser holes did not perfectly line up to the holes in the OTA. As a result, I had to (carefully) file them to be better aligned to the required bolt locations. Care was also taken to protect the secondary mirror and capture all of the metal filings (the scope laying on the ground too).

After what was far more time taken than was -probably- necessary, the holes were lined up ready to accommodate the base plate bolts.

They are fixed from inside the telescope and fit very securely indeed.

The next part was adjusting the focuser’s collimating grub screws (next to each bolt) so that the focuser mounted flush to the base plate/adapter (collimation will follow later).

...and there it is, all fitted and looking rather posh (if I do say so myself)... I’d quite like one now too!


Edited by Rob_UK_SE
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They do look lovely, don't they ? :thumbright:

I fitted a 2 speed Moonlite to my 12 inch dob and had similar fun with the fixing holes. I wonder which scopes they do actually match ?

Will the new owner miss having a 2 speed focuser do you think ?


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39 minutes ago, John said:

They do look lovely, don't they ? :thumbright:

I fitted a 2 speed Moonlite to my 12 inch dob and had similar fun with the fixing holes. I wonder which scopes they do actually match ?

Will the new owner miss having a 2 speed focuser do you think ?


Thank you, John. I suspect that I might have had more luck (with the mounting holes) if it was a Synta telescope, but who knows! I’m sure your OO scope is wonderful to use - especially with a CR2 attached too.  😃

The owner would have, ideally, liked to purchase the CR2 instead, but none were in stock (anywhere) and, on reflection, the price made it a bit too out of reach once all the other required components are purchased. As the owner also uses Tele Vue eyepieces (high power Delos trio, 13E and 22N) they do appear to focus a little further out from the OTA - the Ethos, in particular. I‘m pretty sure that a MoonLite 1.5” extension tube will be required for the Ethos too.

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