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First attempts - Samsung S10e

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My first post on this forum!

Thought I'd share my first attempts with afocal photography through my Samsung S10e. The Saturn and Jupiter were taken about 10/11 August in not too great seeing.

I was using my old Skywatcher 150PL (with a very recently hand cleaned mirror and freshly collimated) on my EQ3 Pro mount with the my smartphone mounted to my 6mm eyepiece with one of these very cheap holders (it's fine once you get the position sorted)


I was more than impressed with what was produced from short video runs in not great seeing (especially the Saturn pic).

Will definitely be doing some more test runs when there is actually a clear night, especially now that I've worked out I can wirelessly control my smartphone camera from my PC using Samsung Flow (Samsung Dex works as well) so I can zoom the camera in, set the resolution and kick it up at 60 frames per second and view it all on my PC screen without touching the phone and causing loads of shake (which is what happened with these and I had to cut the first and last 10 secs off each video).

Videos processed in PiPP and images stacked in Autostakkert and wavelets in Registax.

The images are much less noisy than my old Philips Toucam! (Though I've got much better Jupiters out of that before)

Also included a Neowise shot from July (it's in the middle of the screen if you squint). It was shot using a selfie cam tripod! (With Pro Mode on the camera) and some test widefield shots I tried in Feb, again using Pro Mode on the camera where you can really tweak the settings.

It's really good to see this forum and I think I'm definitely going to try a bit more smartphone astrophotography to see how far I can push my equipment.







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