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Close in M31


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OK there are some artefacts that need dealing with and the core is a little blown but this is still an improvement on my past efforts so I am happy. Need to spend more time with the initial processing in PI I think but overall I'll take it.
First time properly using KStars/EKOS and an RPi4 and it worked very well. Much prefer it to APT etc, much less faff to set up.
Roughly 2 hours of LRGB - 20 mins each RG and an hour of L (minus the few frames I ditched). Could do with more RGB data but grabbed what I could whilst the clouds were away.
Close in shot of M31


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10 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

Yup, that's close. Looks really good. Processing couldn't have been easy.

It wasn't and I am sure there is a fair bit more detail in there.  Only really undertook the basic steps in PI and I imagine I could do a lot better with a bit more knowledge - slowly working my way through 'The Book' though and will revisit this and hopefully add some more RGB data as wel.

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Just now, MarkAR said:

If thats just the basics then with more data and a more in depth process it's going to be a beaut.

Just the initial calibration, cosCor, star align and stacking in PI.  I did them dump it into Topaz DeNoise, DxO PhotoLabs, Lightroom and PS to faff about with but I need to do more with the PI tools before dumping it into other packages I think to tease the detail out a bit more

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54 minutes ago, Datalord said:

Very close indeed! What scope/camera is this?

TMB Optical (a proper Thomas Back one :) ) 105/650 with a Starlight Xpress Trius SX674 mono CCD, SX filter wheel and Baader filters.  Mount is an SW AZ EQ6 GT.  Scope has a monster manual focuser on it at the moment  - I want a motorised unit but am not going to modify the scope to take one so need to find something that works.  Have a few options lined up.  So this was just focussed with a WO clear mask manually.

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