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Red or White Light for Planetary


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I read somewhere recently (don't remember where) that it's actually more beneficial when observing the planets to use a white light torch. I think the logic was something about retaining your colour perception and because the planets are bright anyway you're not losing out from dark adaptation 

I have always used a red light torch for everything so this came as a bit of a suprise to me. I just wondered what others thoughts were on this, is there any truth to it, and what do other people use specifically for planetary.



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I'm mainly a planetary/lunar man, and though a dim white light can be ok, I prefer red and rather hope that using white lights doesnt catch on.  Ok at home if you must, but not when you are at a club event or at a star party.  Trying to get away with it at Kelling would be very inconsiderate and put your well being at risk!

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Like I say, I've always used red.

I was just interested to know if there is actually any benefit from using white over red for colour perception as I had read. If that was the case I could see that it might help pick out certain features you might otherwise miss, although even if true I suspect using a selection of coloured filters would achieve the same result.

Thanks anyway.

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