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Some feedback please Celestron CPC 800 GPS (XLT)

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Hi all

This is totally a shot across the bows and will depend on funds and any issues that have been raised by this. Can anyone who has one, or has used one give me some feedback on the Celestron CPC 800 GPS (XLT). I am looking for any issues you may know of as to weight and carrying so to speak and its all round general use.

As I said, this is only for some feedback for now, I am looking at the summer more than anything else.



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What do you want to do with it...If your thinking of long exposure astrophotography tehn you'll need a wedge...

I have had mine for just over a year its has been abused , carrying all sorts of extras hung of it (before I knew anything about 3d balancing) and its still going strong... to be honest I very rarely look through it but when i do - like last weeks Moon M45 occulation I am gobsmacked by the images...most of the time its used as a guidescope for my widefield imaging ativities.. but i plan to start imaging through it again soon...

I use mine on a pier and wedge in an observatory but also hav a field wedge setup in case I ever want to image from a darksite...


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Ill just bob along basically and if needs be do the photography at a later date. I am looking basically on something reasonable to set up as I have moved away from the german mount system due to lugging it all. Basically, is it easy to pick up and pop outside.

Its not too bad... especially in the "raw" state onto the standard tripod as it locates easily due to the domed cup int he centert of the base. Mines a bit heavier as I have got a Megrez 72 mounted on guiderings and a 3d balancing system on it so its a bit more of a handful but i carry it out of the house down the steps and into the obs and lift it onto the wedge without too many problems...

The gotos are very good if you use "sky align" you can use any 3 bright objects in the sky including the moon and planets and things like solar system align are a boon for quick setup for visual use... dont have to wory about pointitn the OTA in a gievn direction or leveling the OTA it just works it all out for you...


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My experience is with the CPC's previous version (Nexstar GPS). I'm only 5 foot tall and not particularly well built, but I could carry the scope and lift it onto the tripod (for me it was the lifting rather than the carrying that was the more difficult). The handles are well placed for carrying. The set up is a doddle. The scope finds level and north and knows from the GPS where it is and when, it then goes to a star (used to be a bit out, but not too much), you centre, it goes to another, same again, and you're sorted. (In Alt az I reckon that's even easier than sky align.) The eyepiece is always in a convenient position (no tube rotation issues)., and if you do decide to drive the scope yourself using the handset then up down left right is so much easer I ind than working with the arcs of the EQ mount! The views are great too. You may have guessed by now that I'm a fan!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Some how I missed this post.

Ive had mine for 6 weeks and am thrilled by its performance.

As Billy says the moon is awesome as is M42 on a good night. In fact over the XMAS holidays I spent 2 hours after midnight just in awe of M42. i just could not go indoors.

I'm lucky in that I have a very secure garage.I wouldn't want to keep carrying it in and out the house.I dont read much about how easy it is to get a hold of. There is two generous hand grips. One is seen on the side and opposite on the other scope arm is a deep hand hole/pocket at the base of the arm. This feels really safe and natural to hold. Full marks to Celestron for not simlpy attaching another handle to the side.

Moving it to a dark observation point requires me to simply sit it on my car front seat and belt it in then put the tripod in the boot. . . I wouldn't want to be an an accident though with this thing flying about in the car :mrgreen:

I bought mine off Steve @ FLO and got a great deal :)

It arrived within 1 working day :shock:



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