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The Real Propeller Nebula


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I finally found it.  The night turned into pea soup while I was finishing the Ha on another image, but seeing was good, so I figured I'd locate this target and get a preview.  This is 1.1 hours of data (13 300 sec subs).  I never knew there were so many dark structures around the propeller.  Despite the haze and thin cloud cover, I am quite pleased and looking forward toseveral clear, dark (ish) nights.  I didn't spen a lot of time processing this image as it is sort of like building a table with 2 legs.  But it shows promise.   I think a wider FOV would be better for this target---I'll be switching scopes when this is done--maybe I will do a double Tak (pun intended). 





Edited by Rodd
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27 minutes ago, Jkulin said:

I know I could produce better now, but at the time was very pleased

That just means we'll never get bored with it....we will always be improving.  You have picked up some nice dark strictures

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20 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

These are all nice images of an unusual object - nicely done both!

Thank you sir......man the jib and furl the mains'l....to clear sly we sail....through the doldrums!

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59 minutes ago, morimarty said:

Well found Rodd, a very nice image with loads of potential I will look forward to the finished image.

Thanks Martyn.  I resorted to coordinates.  CDC doesn't have a lot of targets--maybe I need to update it, or add a catalogue.

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