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Calibration of PHD 2

alan potts

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It's been a while since I have been a pest, so here goes.

I read some time ago a member calibrated PHD 2 near to the target he was going to capture on any given night. Now I have calibration broadly in line with the instructions given and use this every night. Is there any advantage doing this way, near to target, as my guiding has been a bit up and down of late. Though this could be choice of low targets and very hot conditions of an evening.




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If the orientation of your guide camera does not change and your mount can report declination to PHD2 and you got a good calibration near the equator then reusing the calibration should be fine.

You only need to recalibrate near your target with ST4 guiding.

If you are worried about your guiding, attach your guide log and ask either here or at the PHD2 support forum https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/open-phd-guiding

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Hi Alan, depends on what way you use phd2.. if you use the st4 cable then you need to recalibrate on any new target and after you do a meridian flip... if you pulse guide you don't.. if you calibrated on the equator you can guide anywhere in the sky as long as you have the restore calibration box checked.

It won't guide the same in different parts of the sky..low in the south is worst than near the pole but maybe a recalibration or a redo the guiding assistant be worth a try

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Thanks guys, I guess the piece I read was someone that was using ST4, I did this myself at the start, now though the mount never moves (unless I trip over it ). I imagine poor results of late are due to me trying to image at 20 degrees and we have had some very hot weather 40c . One night was 30c when I started and I struggled to get to minus 5.


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