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Temperatures in storage and mirror condition.

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I moved house recently and for around two weeks now I've been storing my telescope (skywatcher explorer 130PDS) out in the shed because theres more room and its easier to get it out and set up that way. It's horizontal, locked in a flight case. The shed is dry but my concerns are the temperatures the shed can get up to, I've seen it at close to 40c. I did some reading before posting this and like much on the Internet there was no clear answer as to weather storing it somewhere that can reach these temperatures is ok? I know about cool down time and that doesn't bother me, it's just the temperatures that the shed can fluctuat too. Also, I wanted to ask how dirty does a mirror have to get before it effects viewing/imagine. I learnt the hard way on the one occasion in regards to condensation and I've been concerned since, although it looks ok apart from some dust, it's hard to say if where the condensation was sat then cleared that it's left a very faint witness, it's hard to discribe and may well just be lots of tiny dust particles. It's not really dirty but I just no it's not 100% clean, it depends how you catch it in the light the reflection does look clear and nice and sharp one way but not quite as so the next.  

Edited by Rustang
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Your concern is understandable but lots of telescopes are kept in observatories where temperatures can soar to very high levels in sunny conditions, so very similar to shed storage.  Are you able to have ventilation ?   You could install a fan to draw air out of the shed at the hottest time of day.

It’s tough to describe when a mirror is dirty enough to really need a wash, what’s ok to one may be unacceptable to another. Best not to check optical surfaces at night with a torch, most optics look horrid when viewed like that.  Try to view in natural daylight and if it looks ok it probably is.


Edited by NGC 1502
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