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Sunset and fading comet Neowise over Morecambe bay

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Having been clouded out at home for weeks, it was time for a road trip! Morecambe bay has been a great site for long exposure terrestrial shots in the past, so since Clear Outside, Scope Nights and the Met office all agreed it was clear off I went

I arrived and parked up for about 20:30 to wander down to the end of the pier and get set up. There were some clouds hanging about on the horizon, but I had reasonable hopes that the fairly stiff off-shore breeze would clean it up

Sunset was 21:30:


Since I was testing settings (it's a new camera, so it's the rules!) I tried out the on camera interval shooting in the hopes of catching changes in the light as the sun set...

That seemed to turn out okay, so then the wait for the sky to darken. I took a lot of pictures of clouds, panoramic shots and long exposures of waves hitting pier stanchions etc to pass the time till the main event. 

So, Sony a6400 @ 24mm f/4. 4 second exposure:


...and a short time-lapse, because why not?

Directly behind where I was shooting, Saturn and Jupiter played chase across the sky and the ISS wandered past to see what I was up to. I could have stayed all night, but at 00:30 my tea flask was empty and that meant time for home, cold but happy. Thawed out on the 45 minute drive back

See, it's not always grim up north!

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