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Can't see anything through my SW 200p dobs

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Hello guys.

I have recently purchased a skywatcher 200p dobs and I am an absolutely newbie in astronomy. Had it out couple of times and could see the star studded sky but suddenly it has stopped showing anything. It happened suddenly as I was focusing with the focuser. Since then I haven't seen anything with both the supplied eyepiece (9mm and 25mm) . Few times I could see an image like the one attached when I was rotating my focuser. I haven't yet collimated my scope. Any ideas what sort of problem it is?? I tried tonight as well but no view . Please help.


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What local astronomy club are you a member of? That is the place to go to get assistance when newbies have such problems. Just send an email and ask if someone with a telescope like yours can help.  Meanwhile try using your telescope during the day to view far away land objects - that usually makes it a lot easier to figure out what the problems are. 

I also suggest NOT trying to adjust collimation, especially of the secondary mirror, without someone experienced to guide you thru the process.  Once you have done it, it becomes quite easy - but the first time for newbies can get very frustrating and may take weeks to figure out the procedures without some help.  

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5 hours ago, Harshn said:

when I was rotating my focuser.

When you say rotating, do you mean turning the whole focuser or so you mean turning the knobs that make the focuser draw tube move in and out? Assuming that it is the second, does turning the focuser knobs no longer move the draw tube in and out? If so then it is likely either you have the focuser lock thumbscrew engaged, or the tension grub screw has come loose and needs tightening. The picture below shows a similar focuser, but I believe the standard focuser may have fewer adjustment screws. 


Having said that, the usual reason that people cannot focus with skywatcher telescopes is by having the incorrect number of adaptor/extension pieces fitted. Please post a photo of your focuser, as you have it set up, so that we can advise on this. 

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2 hours ago, Ricochet said:


Thank you guys for taking the time to reply.

@JohnBear and @Ricochet


@Ricochet : I meant turning the knob- in the picture the knob which is circled.

After reading your post, I found that the thumbscrew was engaged ( the one with the arrow pointed at it in the picture) and after unengaging it my draw tube moves in and out. I could focus it at something now during the daytime- will have to check whether I could see anything in the night.


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