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Secondary cleaning - Baader fluid?

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I know that water and soap are the norm for the mirrors. I gave my dob's secondary some cleaning but the fingerprints on the side are very stubborn to come off. Now they are nigh invisible but in the dark and under certain angle...

Everyone says do not use Baader fluid on mirrors, but Baader itself (and they are very conservative) say that you can in their advice. What gives?


Edited by BGazing
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I tested this a few weeks back. I put a fingerprint on the mirror and then cleaned it with Baader fluid. The fluid cleaned off the fingerprint (which was only there for minutes), but left streaks/spots as it dried. I think you would want to clean the mirror in the normal manner after cleaning it with the Baader fluid. 

Edited by Ricochet
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I have used Baader Optical Wonder fluid on my mirror diagonals without any issues and then carefully wiped thoroughly the following day with a clean tissue when I did notice a small amount of streaking on one of them.

Also, cleaned the primary and secondary mirrors and the meniscus cell inside and out on my ETX105 and filters.

So far so good.

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