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This image is the result of stopping to work with my laptop , who is near his end after 10 years it seems and the introduction for me to the marvel called Raspberry Pi .

it was a nice experiment which learned me to use remote controlling my telescope, cameras,... . it was also a baptising for me to learning to work with SSH , VNC,.... all things i never knew till it came up to me, to buy a Raspberry Pi and learning Linux.

And i am very pleased how all came out. now my mount keeps tracking. i was also happy with the guiding, online platesolving,... things which gave me some headaches with my laptop.

all processing is done in PI and the TIFF-JPEG is done by Darktable.

Pixinsight is a lovely program to use ones you learn to make and use masks , dare to split up your rgb and working on them sepratly.

Hope you like it , constructive critism is always welcome ofcourse


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might be indeed a good thing to do some more star reduction , i only applied it once because i never did it in PI. might look up for it first at some tutorials to be sure

or even make just for fun a starless one too :) .


thanks for the input

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15 minutes ago, Starfisher said:

or even make just for fun a starless one too

People have been raving about starnet++, not used it myself but seen some good results. The downside is that I've seen some very noisy results as well.

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13 hours ago, MarkAR said:

Looks like you have some good nebulosity there but it's trying to hide behind the stars.

Try some star reduction and maybe darkening the background a touch.

the update. hope i interpreted the suggestions well :)


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On 12/07/2020 at 18:22, MarkAR said:

Stars much better and the nebulosity is really showing through now.

Just a little mottling showing on the background though but overall a huge improvement.

true, the mottling is a result of going maybe a bit to aggressive in my starmask i used for star reduction. but there will be more in the future to keep n mind with hopefully some better results. Also, i will need more subs to take ofcourse. But i am planning to get the whole Veil Nebula in one picture , but first see how i do on ohter subjects too. no rush :)

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