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Shapes in Cygnus


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This is a crop from an image I am presently working on. Just cannot decide (for the full image) if I need extra data or not.  It is the overall colour though that needs attention.

For this area though....the data looks fine (I think) : Ha-36 subs, SII-32 Subs & OIII-31 Subs (all 10 minutes).




Final Shapes in Cygnus (2250 x 1500).jpg

Edited by Kinch
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Your image looks very smooth to me, so I would'nt have thought you need more data although more data would never go amiss. The stars look nice and tight and very well controlled I'll look forward to seeing your full image.

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Hi Martyn, thanks for the comments. My initial hesitation with the full image was due to the Hubble Palette mapping. I am used to seeing the Crescent Nebula in Red/Salmon colours so when it comes out in Green & Blue in the final full image, it really is off-putting. But, since Ha is mapped to green and OIII mapped to blue....then one should not expect anything different!

When I did the crop above, I was able to play with the colours to make that section look more pleasing to the eye (for me anyway). When I did that, The Crescent (in the full image - that you have not seen yet) comes out blue.....and I could not go with that. So....bottom line: the above image is fine as is....no more exposure time needed.The full image will show this area more green (again, overall ok without needing more data). This more green full image just took me some time to get used to ... but I will put t up on my website later and leave a link (and thumbnail version here)....to explain better.

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Further to my last post....I don't seem to be able to upload another image....I must check my quota!

The full image - hi resolution - can be found on my web site (url as per my signature).

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38 minutes ago, x6gas said:

I've come to expect a lot when I click on one of your threads

Arrgghhh.....I'll have to stop posting.....I am doing this for fun....I don't need the pressure   😰

......just kiddin'....thank you so much for saying that Ian.

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