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Bresser MC-127 or SkyMax 127

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Hi all,

Happy Friday! Ive once again changed my idea of what im looking for in my next scope and have come to the Bresser MC 127 and the SkyMax127 on either an AZ4 or AZ5 mount.

I love the fact that everything ive read on these two scopes is that theyre great for planetary and lunar observations with sharp and contrasty optics, though the focal length of the Bresser at 15 seems quite high! i would look around with it but im not looking to AP with it but would love to look at the stars (in a very general sense, im not looking to identify constellations or specific targets etc. Just some nice general views that i can chill out looking at in wonderment).  Ive also read that the bresser is the full 127 aperture whereas the Skymax is slightly less at 119ish. Ive used the eyepiece tools to get an idea of FoV with a low magnifcation eyepiece on the Bresser which seems fine for what im looking for in terms of secondary star usage but coming from an f9 80mm refractor to a f15 Mak i wonder if i really know what im getting myself in for.

Can a dual fit 2" diagonal be attached to these Maks as well? or is it limited to 1.25 only? Idea being to increase FoV  if needed(if ive understood the purpose of a 2" diagonal)

Thanks again! 

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Yes a 2” SCT visual back can be fitted to either although if it is an older Skymax you’ll need the mak to SCT adaptor. Or of course an SCT fit 2” diagonal. However it’s a bit of a waste of time as the mak is never going to be a widefield scope. 2” does give a little bit more fov but I wouldn’t bother.

Edited by johninderby
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Would it be worth getting one if buying a new one to get a dielectric coated? I’m not sure if price difference between a 1.25 and 2” one so figuring it might be worth just getting a 2inch just to future proof.

is the Bresser a good scope? The focal length scares me a little being so high and don’t want to feel like looking through it would be the equivalent of holding my hand in the front of my face not being able to find anything in the sky :D

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The Bresser is just a bit better on the moon and planets than the Skymax which is down to it’s longer focal length and greater aperture and fov is fine. The Bresser has micro baffles machined into the inside of the tube whereas the Skymax has a sort of blackish paint which helps the contrast in the Bresser.

A good 1.25” dielectric diagonal is about £65.00 and a 2” £100.00 or more.

I’ve owned both and prefered the Bresser. 

Edited by johninderby
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Thanks as always for the input guys!

Good to know about the diagonal. Is it a simple unscrew and replace jobby or something that requires abit of skill/focuser needs recalibrating etc?

I’ve heard good things about the az4 Mount but underwhelmed by its looks (shallow I know haha) and the lack of slow motion controls? The az5 looks....different, but more importantly has slow motion controls. 

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Here’s a couple of pics of the back of the Bresser mak showing the SCT thread and the standard 1.25” visual back that screws onto the SCT thread. Then you simply fit the push fit diagonal into the visual,back and tighten the locking screw. 



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I am also looking to purchase a MAK of this size, frankly I haven't really given Bresser any thought at all, but now it seems like a viable option. The longer focal length seems a bit high though. Does anybody have this scope?

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It’s the same focal length as a Skymax 180 at f/15.  I had the Omegon 127 which is the same as the Bresser. A very good performer and found the focal length was an advantage for lunar / planetary. 

Only sold it on because I bought a ScopeTech 80mm f/15 and didn’t need two f/15 scopes.

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On 10/07/2020 at 21:51, Stu1smartcookie said:

Interesting thread as I have just ordered a skymax 127 ( coming Monday ) I too was wondering about fitting a 2”diagonal to the scope , so thanks for the info . And thanks to the OP for starting the thread . 

Has it arrived now, @Stu1smartcookie? What do you think of it?

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On 14/07/2020 at 17:43, sputniksteve said:

Has it arrived now, @Stu1smartcookie? What do you think of it?

Steve , I am delighted with the scope .. very well built .. but .. I am gutted about the weather here :( I haven’t had a clear evening to test it yet .. although later on today the skies are due to clear so I am hoping that I will give it its first light tonight !  Lol I’m beginning to despise summer ... short nights and lots of cloud ! Bring on the autumn and the rise of the winter constellations eh ?

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1 hour ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Steve , I am delighted with the scope .. very well built .. but .. I am gutted about the weather here :( I haven’t had a clear evening to test it yet .. although later on today the skies are due to clear so I am hoping that I will give it its first light tonight !  Lol I’m beginning to despise summer ... short nights and lots of cloud ! Bring on the autumn and the rise of the winter constellations eh ?

I'm itching to get one. It's a question now of balancing when my spends happen! I need to get a bike for the summer - but no-where has what I want in stock! I'd rather get my telescope now though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 16/07/2020 at 08:50, Stu1smartcookie said:

Steve , I am delighted with the scope .. very well built .. but .. I am gutted about the weather here :( I haven’t had a clear evening to test it yet .. although later on today the skies are due to clear so I am hoping that I will give it its first light tonight !  Lol I’m beginning to despise summer ... short nights and lots of cloud ! Bring on the autumn and the rise of the winter constellations eh ?

Hi Stu,

How's it going with the 127?

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Hi Steve , whilst the weather has been lovely the clouds keep on rolling in . I bought a planetary cam, which gave me excellent views of the moon. I changed the visual back to 2" .. im on the lookout for a really decent EP . Jupiter was ok in the scope but its not too well placed where i view it from ie just over the rooftops so i cant say ive had the best views . I really like the scope but i have got my eye on a celestron nexstar 5" or 6" which would come with its own mount and be a bit faster to set up and it would add portability. I am getting quite speedy at setting up my eq5 pro but its a bit of a pain setting up only to have clouds ruin the views .zzz I managed to get some good views of M3 . Still wishing early dark , clear skies .

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