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Heart Nebula (Ha)


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This image is 7 hours of 20 minute exposures, with the Canon 400D and Megrez 72 (first light).

The WO version 3 flattener/reducer does not appear to be very good :hello2:

I am dissappointed with this image. The last time I imaged for a similar length of time, the result was much much smoother with hardly any noise.

That was the Pacman Nebula through an 8" Newt - http://stargazerslounge.com/index.php/topic,35554.msg364499.html

The two objects are roughly the same brightness, so is this poorer image all down to the lack of aperture?

I was expecting a better result with that amount of exposures, will I need many more hours to get the same result?


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Aza. I have tried this image with the same setup, although I used a CCD camera and FFII. Also had a go with the DSLR. I think your image is really good. It's certainly a lot smoother than those I managed, and if you got it recently there has been a hell of a lot of moisture in the air, and even on these high targets it hasn't helped much.

You have the FFIII mounted correctly. I think that Psychobilly uses the FFIII with the same ota, and doesnt get stars like that in the edges, and I dont with the FFII and a dslr, might be worth checking everything is tight and as it should be.

I dont think that most of The Heart Neb is especially bright, even on a good night and a couple of hours exposures at iso1600 I was distinctly unimpressed by the results. With a wider aperture you are going to have to do a mosaic if you want to fit the whole nebula in I should think?

At any rate, I'd be more than happy with that one. I'll post my effort in a bit and you can gloat :hello2:


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I have been checking back over some full frame high res stacks and I do get some distortion in the very corners.... I have been thinking of sacrificing a Canon T adaptor to do some experiments...need to get some shim washers made first though...

Heres a resized full frame of the same target..


(click to enlarge)


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Thanks for all the info TJ.

I have ordered a new T Ring, as my current one looked a bit wobbly, so maybe that is the problem.

As it was my first light with the scope I have nothing to compare it with.

Hopefully I can get on a new target soon enough :hello2:

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I think its a great image and would have love to have taken it myself... I don't think the scope is the problem, its more to do with the flattener which I've heard isn't that good from WO. On another forum people are using Televue flattener instead.

If your striving for perfection, your not there yet but your closer to it than me!

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