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First 'proper' deep sky rig

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Hi all!

I am looking to build my first 'proper' deep sky rig and was wondering if someone more experienced than myself could look over my wishlist and let me know if I have missed anything vital / if some things aren't compatible etc. Currently I use my DSLR and lens combo on a SkyGuider Pro and have had some great results, but I've always wanted to move into something a little more serious. I would mostly be imaging from my backyard (Bortle 4/5), so broadband is possible but ideally (when I have the funds), I'd love to get into narrowband with a dedicated astro-cam.


Scope: Esprit 100 + field flattener

Imaging camera: Canon 6D (non-modified), with the intention of upgrading to a mono CMOS camera in the future.

Mount: CEM40 (non-EC) with 1.75" tripod

Guiding: SW 9x50 finder-guider with ASI224 (I have this already and use it on my SkyGuider Pro with good results)


   - Nevada PS-08 Linear Voltage Regulator PSU (I will also get a deep cycle 12V marine battery for when I travel with the setup too)

   - Bahtinov mask (with an eventual upgrade to a motorised focuser)

   - Dew controller + straps (will likely get these when this becomes a problem later in the year) 


This was pretty much everything I could think of in terms of gear, everything comes with the correct cables etc. so that (hopefully) shouldn't be an issue. 

I'm leaning towards the CEM40 over the EQ6-R pro due to the weight of the mount, built in iPolar and cable management options.

Are there any glaring items missing? Thank you to those who take the time to help :)


Edited by Spongey
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That sounds like a great setup, Esprit 100 and CEM40 are well above entry level kit, in my opinion.

Are you planning to run it all from a laptop? You don’t have to, but it may be easier controlling the camera this way. I believe free control software is available for your camera, hopefully the DSLR experts will pitch in. Re-reading your post, you may already have this.

Enjoy your next steps into AP👍

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Thanks Tomato!

I will be running it from a laptop yes, I use NINA and PHD2 already with my SkyGuider Pro with no issues. I'm looking forward to getting a little more in depth with platesolving etc. to make the most of the software!

Thanks again

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