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Coma corrector and 1.25 eyepieces

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Hi Folks, 

This may be a silly question, but I just purchased a Skywatcher coma corrector for my 130 pds and I'm trying to figure out how to use it with 1.25 eyepieces. 

So far, I've assembled it by using the adapter that came with the scope but this seems to create quite a long array of pieces, by the time I attach a barlow and an eyepiece it's going to be very long! 

I've attached a photo of what it looks like now. 

Hopefully you can shed some light. 

Thanks in advance for your wisdom 





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Hiya Simon. What is it exactly you are looking to be advised on as this is unclear. 

I know you say it is going to stick out some way but that isn't necessarily a problem.

Does it come to focus is the one question. 

Does it appear over heavy and flex the focuser at the ota fixing point.

It does state, "is optimised for the new Sky-Watcher Explorer DS f/5 telescopes with 2-inch focuser." In fairness it does state it as being suitable on the FLO website, probably on the advice of SW.

Also the 130 pds optimised as an imaging newtonian, it is unclear why are you using for visual. 

Sorry don't want to sound negative or anything but a bit more information might help people know where you are coming from and provide better informed answers to your queries.


Edited by bomberbaz
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8 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

Hiya Simon. What is it exactly you are looking to be advised on as this is unclear. 

I know you say it is going to stick out some way but that isn't necessarily a problem.

Does it come to focus is the one question. 

Does it appear over heavy and flex the focuser at the ota fixing point.

It does state, "is optimised for the new Sky-Watcher Explorer DS f/5 telescopes with 2-inch focuser." In fairness it does state it as being suitable on the FLO website, probably on the advice of SW.

Also the 130 pds optimised as an imaging newtonian, it is unclear why are you using for visual. 

Sorry don't want to sound negative or anything but a bit more information might help people know where you are coming from and provide better informed answers to your queries.


Morning Steve, 

Thanks for your message. 

You are absolutely correct. I purchased the 130pds and the coma corrector for AP, and am really happy with it and the service provided by FLO. 

I did however, think that I may from time to time use the scope for visual as well, which I believe it is also capable of, if not its primary use. 

The combination of coma corrector, extension tube, barlow and eyepiece does, as you say seem to put some flex on the focuser. However!!! Thanks to the good folks at Flow, I have ordered an adaptor that not only shortens the set up but also allows me to use my dslr M42 T ring without buying a second M48 adapter. 

Thanks again for your help 


Clear skys 



Edited by Simon Dunsmore
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