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Custom Heavy Duty Tripod - Mounting Plate Question


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Hi all

I have a friend who is a very accomplished metal worker and welder. I am looking into getting him to manufacture a heavy duty tripod for me. It will be along the lines of the EQ8 tripod. At the moment it will be overkill for my little set up, but I’m thinking (and wishing!) long term, so if one day I get a chunky 12” reflector, at least I won’t need to worry about a tripod!!

We have had lots of chats about the design, but I’m struggling on what to do about the top of the tripod. At the moment I have a little EQ3-2 mount, and he will make a plate suitable for it. However, as one day I might upgrade to an HEQ5 or EQ6, I was wondering if there are any plans / drawings out there for pier plates for these mounts. I'm guessing that something must exist for those that have their scopes on a permanent pier setup. Do they share the same dimensions at the base? Was trying to make the whole thing as future proof as possible!!

Thanks all


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You might need to have different adapter plates made up in the future. 

I figure you would need a base plate welded to the tripod that will accept custom adapter plates for anything you would want to mount.

Also thinking why not a Tripod pier style rather than a tripod. Legs would be further down allowing for more clearance of scope and gear.

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