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HEQ5 - ASIair Pro compatability

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Hi all, I’ve had a skyguider for a while and have upgraded to an HEQ5 pro. I am having trouble with the mount when connected to the air. When the air isn’t connected the mount slews in both axis’ using the mount however when the air is connected to the mount it will only slew in ascension both by using the up/down left/right arrows on the hand controller or when using the controller to find an object, it will slew on ascension but not declination with the mount just showing ‘slewing’ until you press esc. Unplug the air and it works fine on both axis’ again. If I had any hair I’d be tearing it out. Any ideas please? ps. I’ve just ordered an EQmod cable to see if that helps.

Edited by Richard Libbeter
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The skyguider, afaIk, only has one motor, whereas the heq5 has two. Have you updated the asiair settings? I use indi and ekos, but for every item I change I have to update the profile. My guess is you need to do something similar.

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Hi All, I’ve had similar problems with my 2009 vintage EQ5. I have a brand new Lynx Astro EQDIR cable running from the the ASIAIR PRO (USB) to the handset RJ45 socket on the V3 SynScan power controller unit. The ASIAIR app (on iPad Pro) is set to EQMOD mount, and will sync LAT/LONG with the mount. When instructed, the ASIAIR app indicates it is slewing to target, but nothing happens. When using the SynScan hand controller, the mount responds as normal. I am running 12v, 5A power direct from mains (but admittedly a 15m cable(s) tho cables all new-ish) to ASIAIR and power looks stable, but getting a 12V/10A mains transformer tomorrow. Can this all be down to power? Will update on outcome

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