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Stains on the mirrors

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I apologize for having a second thread similar to the one I already created.


I have a specific question regarding the mirrors. I have just received some gear for modifying my Newtonian. And I would like to center spot the mirror. I have taken it out, and noticed that there a few stains (like mini droplets smaller than 1 mm in diameter) on both my primary and secondary mirrors. I have used the jumbo blower to blow of dust, but noticed one subtle scrath, I thought it was a lighter hair, but it seems its a scratch.

Do these things matter much for observations, I really wouldn't want to clean the mirrors. I also received the Baader wonder fluid bundle today, with their cloth included. I intended only cleaning the eyepieces with it, not sure if it would be smart to clean the secondary mirror with it.


Thanks in advance!

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Don't use the Baader fluid to clean the mirrors, unless you have bought enough of the stuff to submerge the mirrors in it and let it soak. 

With regards to the scratch, do you have a photo of it? If it is scattering a lot of light I believe the best thing to do is to paint it black with a suitable paint pen. 

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I tried taking a photo, but its hard to focus.. I guess its not that big of a deal. But are these spots (drop residue) on the secondary problematic?


This is the photo of the secondary through the focuser, i marked the stains, there are more but don't show on the image well. I guess they aren't that big.


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And here is the primary, its really hard to show the scratch as its so subtle and thin, length around 1cm. There are more of these spots which I marked here. But also don't show well on the photo. Really makes me want to just smudge it off with a fiber cloth :D


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I don't think those issues will affect performance of the scope at all.

Don't use the Baader fluid on the mirror - it is intended for lenses not aluminised surfaces.

I would just get on and use the scope. Look and the mirror clips and central obstruction - they cover far more area of the mirror than any of the marks or the tiny scratch and the scope still performs well.



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2 minutes ago, Apprentice said:

Thanks for the advice. I chose not to clean it, successfully marked the center spot (within a millimeter or two :)) Tomorrow I'll be strapping on the focus motor, and off we go :)

Hope you get a clear night 👍

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1 minute ago, banjaxed said:

Hope you get a clear night 👍

Thanks, the worst part of it all is that tonight is the first truly clear night in weeks, and I will not be able to play :( hope that the weather sticks for a few nights.

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