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Sharpcap v3.2.6020 and ASI533


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I have used Sharpcap quite happily but now have an issue that I can't resolve. It works fine with my ASi224 and with my ASI385 (until the camera broke). I now have an ASI533MC-Pro and big problems. The camera works fine in ASIStudio and APT (neither of which I like much) but when I try Sharpcap I just get a black screen. It recognises the camera ok but no matter what exposure etc I use the left side of the screen just stays black (no image). The frame counter on the bottom left shows that every frame is being lost. I have downloaded the latest ASI and ASCOM drivers but no joy. I am using Windows 10 Pro on the laptop in question.

Any ideas because I am now tearing my hair out 😖


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