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AZ-GTi in EQ mode


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I am having fun imaging DSOs using "lucky imaging" or more accurately "lucky tracking" techniques, but I am limited by the fact my AZ-GTi is in AZ mode. I would like to switch to EQ aligment but I have a few questions. By the way, I plan to keep the mount in AZ mode, just aligned for the north pole - I had a few issues with the EQ alignment last time i tried it.

Firstly, my load is about 4 kgs including an uncooled planetary camera, sometimes a filter wheel and a C6 with RDF. Can the AZ-GTi take that kind of load (albeit counterbalanced) with its AZ gears tilted 50 degrees?

Secondly, what is the bestest cheapest wedge to get for the AZ-GTi? My tripod has a 3/8 photo thread, as does the GTi. I hear that the Star Adventurer wedge is not compatible as one of its knobs collides with the GTi AZ clutch? Would the Ioptron wedge be a better choice? 

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First bit: yes, it will work but guiding will definitely help, especially due to loading close to the limit and having a long focal length scope.

Second bit: You CAN use the Star Adventurer wedge - I replaced the huge knob with a hex screw. Not optimal, but works and I am sure if one looks around, one can find a smaller knob. Alternative wedge of truly better built, would  be the William Optics, this one. Not cheap, but cheaper than the alternatives (excluding the SW wedge). Cheaper than the WO, but not sure about how much improvement you'd get, would be the TS wedge, this one.

All other options are in a different price bracket....

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@nicoscy I don't think the GTi would be able to guide 1500mm focal length. I am going the opposite route and stacking thousands of millisecond subs. I have seen the TS wedge and it is way too ugly. No way that thing goes on top of my Berlebach! The WO one looks nice but way too much money. Guess I will have to go for the SkyWatcher one. Maybe if I add this I won't need to change the huge knob as it looks like it would add a bit of clearance?


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Maybe so, best to ask TS re thickness of base of Polarscope base. 

Re guiding, it should be able to do so to some extend, but I have no idea of the % of rejected frames you'd get. There's a price to pay when using such a mount for long focal length imaging. Mine is set up with a 72mm f6 refractor, but I do EAA so different animal!

Best of luck with your endeavor and do post details as you are building and testing the setup :)

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