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NGC 4298 and NGC 4302

Bill S

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I observed this pair of galaxies in April having seen a sketch of them by Dale Holt of the Webb Deep Sky Society. Dale has his own version of EEVA. He uses an analogue Watec camera feeding onto a screen to increase the light gathering of his 505 cm reflector. He then records his observation by sketching them.

My method is with a Lodestar X2 on a 20 cm Newtonian captured, stacked and processed using Starlight Live and Jocular.

My reason for posting them - I just think they look interesting.






They were the subject of the Hubble Space Telescope's 27th Anniversary image in 2017.



Some of Dale Holt's recent sketches can be seen on the Webb Deep Sky Society's web site:


Best regards


Edited by Bill S
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Hi Bill, This was my first target last night and I was well rewarded. Thanks for pointing this one out. In fact I went back to it 40 minutes later when it was darker and had a second look. Mike



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