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Setting circles- remember them?

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Quick update to say that the mount works just great now- it was the inaccuracy of the perpendicularity of the spigot to bubble that was throwing things off! Now I can find anything visible through the 63mm aperture in my London skies either side of the meridian with great ease and accuracy and it’s been a revelation!

Last night I was out for about 3 hrs in the freezing cold just ticking things off a list- new things and old familiars- like a machine! Some I couldn’t find through scope limitations but I swear this little scope splits doubles better than my 8” dob! Mind you I’ve done major upgrades to the dob since last year and seen Sirius b through it so that might not be true 😉- itching to try Antares with it on Wednesday night 🤞I felt this little telementor almost spilt Antares- there were moments of peanutting with very different coloured halves! Izar almost split at 50x and clean at 140. Double double very cleanly split at 140x- that was always a challenge with the dob last year. 


Anyway it’s great- a fine scope and the mount is really fine too now. I do wonder if it will get boring being able to find things so easily! I wonder how goto users keep their enthusiasm 😉 I kind of missed the thrill of the chase with the dob but not the frustration of spending multiple evenings trying to find things (M13 for example last year!)

These are to me essential gear for this though- I’m getting old and my eyes are fading 😔 These Russian binocular loupes are something I use every day now for my work and a great aid in setting the circles accurately. And of course the head torch. Lucky there’s nobody else about to see me haha 😆 




Edited by markse68
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