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Remote viewing - what camera?

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Me again.

I am considering a Skywatcher 200P-DS and and a goto mount. As the mount is remotely controllable via Stellarium I would like get a camera for either just remote viewing but maybe some casual imaging nothing serious. Could a dslr be used as a live camera over USB or whatever? (i've never owned one). Once all this malarkey is over, I intend to build an observatory with warm room. Try to picture me with my feet up mouse in one hand, watching on a large screen monitor!


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That's a very expensive way to see a poor picture of DSOs on a monitor. Why not just google them for free?

If you want to be inside with your feet up viewing remotely then maybe a telescope is a bad choice? 

I may be corrected by more well informed people. But a live view with any camera isnt gonna show much other than bright objects because it has no time to expose the image.

Only my opinion. ✌

Edited by miguel87
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not all DSLR models will give you a live view over USB, same for bridge cameras, so you'll need to do your research on the model you decide you like. As mentioned too, live view won't show you much and will be lower resolution than the image the camera is capable of. You might be able to with a proper astro camera looped into stacking software so you can live stack the images and gradually get an improving image to look at "live" but I've no experience of doing this so can't advise here.

I know its an expensive option and not for everyone but the thing that does what you're after in a pre-built package is one of these


There's a section on the forum that discusses it.

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