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Travel / Outreach Eyepiece Sets


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I put together this simple set of eyepieces a couple of years back expressly for travel and outreach (not that I've been able to do any for the past 6 weeks or so !) the aim being to have good optical performance, robustness, ease of viewing (ie: comfortable eye relief etc), not much to cart about and relatively low cost. I can carry them all in my coat pockets.

I've been pretty pleased at the way that these have performed for their cost (around £50 or less per item). I've found myself using them for my own sessions quite often as well. The coverage is from 30mm / 70 degrees AFoV to 3.2mm. The zoom + barlow combination gives a very useful 9.5mm - 3.2mm zoom. They get well used as you can see from the markings on their barrels !

Anyone else have a similar set for similar reasons ?



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Closest for me was my 32mm GSO Plossl and 8-24mm Celestron Regal zoom I took with me to Nebraska for the eclipse.  Everyone at the viewing site thought the views looked fine through each when used in my ST80 travel scope.  Eye relief was sufficient in both even for eyeglass wearers.

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Keeping it simple/inexpensive is certainly the goal, here.  For me the 8-24mm zoom and barlow combo does nicely.

This Celestron zoom even comes with a screw-top protective case:



I have a Celestron bino-viewer, and considering employing it for outreach, too.  Figuring ep sets that meet the above criteria is the challenge just now.



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