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A few questions to the hive mind after last nights session

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Hi, hope your all safe and well.


Ive had some struggles with my setup the last couple weeks but finally got out to image last night. I still have some nagging questions id really like to get some input back on before going again tonight if possible.


Question 1.

Please see below images of a single light frame @1600 iso 1min sub, please draw your attention to the bottom left corner! this is in every image, previously i thought it was light leak through the viewfinder but ive since added the clip that canon provide (600d btw) but now this is still present and i believe only with the filter im using (astronomik uhc ) its happening in my darks and lights but not bias? any ideas?

Question 2.

Please also draw your attention to the light image and have the stars in the centre of the frame are more rounded then the outer left and right corners, these seem to be trailing but then the centres dont, any ideas on this one at all?


Question 3. (final question)

Stellarium....last time i used it it was fine but last night i could align 6 stars and sync but still it persisted to be off centre from my target? i haven't changed or done anything different to my knowledge but was certainly frustrating, i did clear the cache of aligned points and started again but still the same. If i wen back to one i had synced it would be fine but if trying another it wouldn't line properly.


Many thanks in advance.







Edited by Dan13
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15 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

May be heat build up, try putting the camera in the fridge for half an hour then taking a dark.


you think thats whats effecting the light image as well? seem to only get this with this filter..

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You shouldn't get heat buildup on a 1 minute 600D exposure, 10 minutes in this heat then yes. 

Only with the filter, and is there on darks? That doesn't seem possible.

Is this light leak from an open back Newtonian? 

The elongated stars in the corners are due to Coma - what scope or lens are you using? 


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9 hours ago, michael8554 said:

You shouldn't get heat buildup on a 1 minute 600D exposure, 10 minutes in this heat then yes. 

Only with the filter, and is there on darks? That doesn't seem possible.

Is this light leak from an open back Newtonian? 

The elongated stars in the corners are due to Coma - what scope or lens are you using? 


Hi Michael 

I didnt personally feel it was heat build up, I have however resolved the issue now.

After tinkering arround it seems that it was an LED from the live view screen. When I turned this off in the settings I had no light leak.

SW 130pds is what I'm using. Any recommendations for a CC for that one? 

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