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Mini PC for APT/ Just image acquisition


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Hey :)

I’m a beginner imager...looking to go from using my dslr and intervalometer to PC control.

I’d like to use APT on a windows 10 mini pc (outside/on the scope) and connect to it via either WiFi or Ethernet to control everything from another Windows pc.

For controlling remotely I’m looking to use ‘team viewer/VNC/windows Remote Desktop function’

What would be a good spec to look for in a mini pc that works well with APT with enough power to control remotely without being slow.

This is only for taking the images, controlling the mount, guiding, stacking etc...Not processing or intensive work.

id rather err on the side of caution and get something ‘over spec’ though than go cheapest and ‘just good enough’ and regret It.


Cheers, Ant 

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Unless you have very good wifi, go ethernet, especially if you are saving remotely... 

My main home system, I run an i3, 8Gb mem, 120Gb SSD, which controls mount, 3 cameras, 2 focusers, filter wheel etc. and saves images over GB ethernet, to a Synology store, all controlled using Remote desktop.

I also have additional systems based on Rock64\Rock64Pro\Pi4's running Ubuntu Mate \ Ekos etc. these are also remote controlled using Remote desktop (Xrdp). 

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I thought long and hard about a mini PC. Problem is, I realised I would need some sort of input mechanism ie a keyboard. Then I realised it would be good to have some means of display, ie a screen. I could control it from my PC but then I thought: actually, what I need is a laptop!

Image acquisition etc is not processor-intensive. You should be able to use a very low-spec laptop, save it all locally, but if you can get wifi or ethernet connectivity outside then invest in something like OneDrive so that it uploads at the same time.

I keep my laptop outside, but in a box, running a powerline ethernet cable out to it, then I monitor inside from the PC or tablet using Chrome Remote Desktop, which is completely free and doesn't start dropping out which I've noticed the free TeamViewer starts doing after a while. I could probably get away without the powerline and just use wifi but if the connection ever breaks, I have to go out an re-establish it. It works very well - I can see OneDrive uploading on the laptop after each photo, and then a few seconds later it downloads locally to the PC.

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Ask 10 people and you will 10 differing answers 🙂

Dig into the massive number of threads on SGL to inform yourself 🙂  Its all been said before .

In the end go with what you are happiest with (cost vs usability)  - you will be the one using the kit !

Dont rule out 2nd kit - ex business kit can be well spec'd and nearly up to date and will not cost the earth.

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