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Cygnus widefield

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One swallow may not make a summer but the appearance of bright nebulae in the Cygnus region may well!  This is a widefield view of some of the jewels to be found in that region of the sky, shot from my back garden in the early hours of 16th April using my ‘grab and go’ set up.  

In the photo you can see the North American Nebula on the left, with the Pelican nebula immediately to its right.  Just right of centre is the Butterfly Nebula and further right is the Crescent Nebula, looking tiny at this focal length.  Plus a lot of stars, as we look towards the densely packed galactic core.  

Image details:

101 x 60secs at ISO 1600 unguided
Modified Sony A7s
Samyang 135mm f2 @f2.8
Optolong l-Pro light pollution clip in filter
iOptron Sky Guider Pro
Stacked in Sequator
Processed in PS CS5


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